We cordially invite you to the

1st Nuclear Power Industry Congress
How to become a leader in the development
of nuclear energy in the region“,

which will be held on September 12-13, 2023
at AGH University – IT Solutions Centre 
(Cracow, Kawiory 21 Street, room 1.38).

Izba Gospodarcza Energetyki i Ochrony Środowiska
Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie

This is the first event in our country…

This is the first event in our country that comprehensively affects the plans for the development of nuclear energy in Poland, both in terms of large-scale projects and MMR/SMRs, as well as the benefits of these projects for the Polish energy industry (business). The main step of the Congress will be to discuss the main issues related to supporting Polish companies in the implementation of nuclear energy projects in Poland.

The aim of the Congress…

The aim of the Congress will also be to show how nuclear energy and the Polish Nuclear Energy Program (PPEJ) can contribute to the implementation of the PEP2040 goals, including achieving transformation in Poland as an effective way to decarbonize energy supply in the power system.

The event is primarily for…

The event is primarily for individual Polish companies as suppliers for kernel projects.

The main objective…

The main objective is to show the effect that comes from the above-mentioned projects and what cooperation opportunities work for a company from the sector.